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What is mammography? When is a mammogram performed? Is mammography harmful?

It is the leading method for imaging breast diseases.

Today, the main role of mammography is its use for screening purposes.

In addition, it is the main imaging method used for diagnostic purposes, treatment planning in diagnosed patients, and follow-up after treatment.

The purpose of using mammography for screening is to detect the disease in the early stages, which has a better prognosis and chance of treatment, despite the increase in the incidence of breast cancer in recent years.

The generally accepted trend in the world is to perform mammography every two years along with a physical examination in women over the age of 40 who do not have any complaints in screening programs. It can be used annually, if necessary, or under the age of 40, if necessary.

There is no scientific data that screening mammography increases the risk of breast cancer.

meme ultrasonografisi

What is breast ultrasonography? When is breast ultrasonography performed? Is there any harm in breast ultrasonography?

Ultrasonography is an imaging method that works with sound waves and is similar to the sonar system used in submarines. It does not use radiation.

A solid-cystic distinction can be made in masses with ultrasonography.

Women with dense breast tissue, young women, or masses that cannot be detected on mammography are evaluated with ultrasonography.

Sometimes masses that cannot be seen on mammography due to their location in the breast can be seen on ultrasonography.

Ultrasonography makes it possible to evaluate breast abscesses and examine axillary lymph nodes.

It is also used as a guide in interventional radiology such as biopsy and abscess drainage.

If today's advanced ultrasonography systems are used appropriately, they contribute significantly to mammographic diagnosis and reduce the biopsy rate.

meme mr'ı

What is magnetic resonance (MR) imaging? When is breast MRI done? Is breast MRI harmful?

MRI is the most sensitive imaging method used to detect breast cancer.

However, it is not correct to use MRI in every suspicious mass.

Situations where MRI is used can be summarized as follows:

In the evaluation of masses that are seen as suspicious on mammography or ultrasonography but cannot be clearly distinguished from cancer,

In women with breast prosthesis and suspected breast cancer and in cases where the silicone prosthesis is suspected of rupture,

It can be used in women who have breast cancer in the armpit lymph node but no mass can be detected in the breast. Thus, it may be useful in detecting a hidden breast cancer.

For women with gene mutations such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 , preoperative breast MRI may be useful in detecting cancer in the same breast or the opposite breast.

It can be used to control women who have a strong family history of breast cancer or who have received radiotherapy (radiation therapy) to the chest area for other reasons in the past. In such cases, the frequency of scanning is planned by a joint decision between the surgeon and the radiologist.

Although it is not very effective, it can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of chemotherapy given before surgery.

It can be used to distinguish surgery-related changes from cancer in women who have undergone breast surgery.

Since the long-term effects of the drug gadalonium are not known when performing breast MRI, there is no definitive consensus on its harms.


What is ductography? When is it done?

Ductography, which is used to visualize the milk ducts in the breast, can be used when there is bloody fluid discharge from the nipple.

Mammography is performed by injecting contrast material into one or more of the main milk ducts through the nipple.

Papillomas within the duct or a possible cancerous mass can be seen on this film.

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